
Legal information :

  • leading references
  • intellectual property
  • access right to personal data
  • liability of the cea
  • contact

Leading references :

Director of publication : Collette, Thierry
Publisher : CEA
25 rue Leblanc
Bâtiment Le Ponant D
75015 Paris
RCS B 775 685 019
01 64 50 20 59
Host : CEA
25 rue Leblanc
Bâtiment Le Ponant D
75015 Paris
RCS B 775 685 019
01 64 50 20 59

Intellectual property

The entire content included in this site is protected by the French intellectual property legislation. All rights are reserved. Any performance, reproduction, adaptation, translation and/or modification, in whole or in part, on any support, of the site or of its content, including but not limited to texts, images which include both graphic illustrations and photographs, diagrams, maps, logos, videos sequences (…), is strictly prohibited unless previously and expressly authorized by the CEA. The transfer of unspecified content from this site to another site is also prohibited.
Not complying to this prohibition is an act of copyright infringement which can engage the civil and/or penal liability of its author. The CEA reserves the right to start legal proceedings against any person who do not respect these regulations. For authorization requests, please contact us at the following address: mail “contact” on the website
Moreover, it is strictly prohibited to use or reproduce the name “CEA” and/or its logo, alone or not, for whatever use and on whatever support unless previously and expressly authorized by the

Access right to the personal data
The CEA does not collect, transmit or use any personal data without your knowledge and consent.
In accordance with the law n°78-17, of the 6th of January 1978 amended, relating to computing, files and liberties, you have the right to access or modify all personal data which concerns you. To exercise these rights, please write to the following address :
CEA/Direction of the communication – CEA/SACLAY – 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex – mail “contact” on the website
The user will find information about his rights and duties as well as about the personal data protection regulations of France on the website of the French Data Protection Authority website

Liability of the CEA :
The entire content included in this site is provided “as is”. The CEA shall not be liable for any special or consequential damages that may result from using any content included in this site. The CEA reserves the right to modify or update this content without prior notice.

For more information, send inquiries to

  • Editorial Responsible : Christian Fabre
  • Webmaster : Julien Mottin